Cuir an Staing an Cèill
Tha coimhearsnachd nan ealan aig cridhe STAING agus mar sin, ma tha thu an sàs ann an ealain aig ìre phroifeasanta no phearsanta, tha mi airson a bhith a' cluinntinn bhuat.
Cuir na freagairtean thugam, le cunntas-bheatha goirid, dealbh agus ceanglaichean do
Ionadail. Sgìreil. Nàiseanta. Eadar-nàiseanta.
Ciamar a bhios tu a' faicinn na h-ealain am measg dealbh-tìre cultarail nas fharsaing?
Pròiseas Cruthachail. Modhan obrach. Frèamaichean cruthachail.
Ciamar a bhios na h-ealain nan phàirt den bheatha làitheil agad?
Poilitigs. Cuspairean sòisealta. Creideamhan. Feallsanachdan phearsanta.
Ciamar a bhios tu a' cleachdadh nan ealan gus na rudan as cudromaiche a chur an cèill?
Dùbhlain. Cothroman. Cnapan-starra. Soirbheachas.
Cò ris a tha beatha chruthachail coltach ann an 2020?
Pròiseactan. Leasachadh. Amaisean. Margaidheachd.
Ciamar a bhios tu gad chumail trang is cruthachail aig àm na stainge?
Nì paragraf airson gach ceist a' chùis is na biodh tè dhiubh na cnap-starra dhuibh. Fàg rud sam bith nach gabh freagairt, ach tha thu dì-bheathte do bheachdan fhèin cur an cèill!
~ Marcas
The artistic community is at the heart of STAING and so, if you're involved in the arts either professionally or at a personal level, I want to hear from you.
Send your responses, with a short biography, an image and links to
Local. Regional. National. International.
How do you perceive the arts within a wider cultural landscape?
Creative Process. Working patterns. Creative frameworks.
What role do the arts play in your daily life?
Politics. Social Issues. Beliefs. Personal philosophies.
How do you use the arts to articulate the things that matter?
Challenges. Opportunities. Pitfalls. Successes.
What does a creative life look like in 2020?
Projects. Development. Aspirations. Marketing.
How are you keeping yourself busy and creative during the crisis?
A paragraph for each question is sufficient and are there to serve as a springboard, alone. If you have nothing to say on a given subject, leave it, but feel free to express what needs to be expressed!
~ Marcas